Monday, September 11, 2006

Second Chance Status

I'll be brief as I know Sister Bridget has a desperate dilemma to post and needs the full attention and advice of all you bloggers. Please do proffer your words of wisdom in the comments...we've heard that there are a few of you with us now!

Suffice to say that the 25yr old, blue eyed, stud rang me. It was apparently a terrible catalogue of unforeseen happenings that led to me being STOOD UP! We are now at 'second chance' status. I should now set the record straight and text all the random male recipients of my drunken texts and say…“Maybe some of you are alright after all.” But I thought that might make me look a little psychotic.

1 comment:

Sister Louise said...

Too many it would seem...he didn't get much better after the second chance!