Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What's in a Name?

I’m not entirely sure how common it is for girls to name their boyfriends ‘you know whats’ or whether this is just one of those clichés we feel we ought to join in with, such as having a song, encouraged by cheesy chick flicks and teenage romantic novels, but ever since reading Judy Blume’s Forever, and giggling with my friends on the way to school over the girl naming her boyfriend’s one ‘Ralph’ it has always been a matter of much jollity and great interest to me!

After carrying out some extensive research and highly sophisticated interviewing into this subject (i.e. a very amusing conversation with some girlfriends after a few glasses of red!) I have come up with a list of popular choices: Love Muscle, General George, The Soldier, Pogo Stick, Big Jim. All very masculine, testosterone inducing names!

I didn’t mean to come up with a name for Mr Bridget’s, it’s just one of those things we stumbled upon, and the name stuck. After discussing how the body part in question had had rather a busy night and needed a rest, he uttered ‘poor little thing’ and I couldn’t help but latch on to the phrase. Poor Little Thing has since become it’s official name, or as is more commonly used, it’s abbreviation – PLT!

If you were to meet Mr Bridget, you would never expect him to be the type of man to let his manhood be referred to as Poor Little Thing. He loves his big masculine car and acting like a proper lad around his mates, which is what makes this even more hilarious to me!!

I’m not sure what it says about me, that I like to name my boyfriend's thing PLT. Somehow, it makes it seem so much less threatening. How could such a kind, gentle thing as PLT ever do anything bad? I feel like I’m exempt from the possibility of my boyfriend cheating on me, when I’ve got dear sweet PLT to rely on!! I’m not sure what is says about him that he lets me name his alter ego in this way either. He thinks I do it to make sure he doesn’t get too big headed and cock-sure (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun!) of himself. And maybe I do.

So there it is. One of my quirkiest secrets, that I thought I’d share with you. As I’m feeling quite exposed after such revelations, perhaps some of our readers have some names they’d like to share?!


Sister Louise said...
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Huw said...

I believe a former ladyfriend once referred to mine as 'Mr Man'.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps she should have been more specific about which Mr Man she was referring to, as there's quite a difference between Mr Small and Mr Tall for instance! In fact this opens up a whole realm of possibilities - there's Mr Tickle, Mr Topsy Turvy, or the most fitting name for the majority of men I've come across - Mr Greedy!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving this blog Sister Bridget, i've not had this chat with my girly friends and wasn't entirely sure if this was the "done thing"...and i'd forgotten about Ralph! and now i wanna share too...Little Man!!! Also, havent you noticed now that you've given him a name that he has become a person in his own right and someone you both lovingly refer to, as if he has his own personality...he used to send me emails too!

Sister Bridget said...

Exactly - that's why I know he won't cheat. I don't know what Mr Bridget might want to get up to, but I'm sure PLT wouldn't let him!! Am glad yours also includes the word 'little' - maybe it's more common than I thought to want to give it a more friendly endearing name than something masculine and tough! Thanks for sharing Soul Sister!