Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Taking The Day Off

I'm poorly. In bed. Woe is me.


Huw said...

My flatmate has measles. I didn't know people really got measles.

Sister Louise said...

I thought you only got measles when you're a child. Doc says I have either appendicitis or food poisoning and I need to wait and see if it gets worse. Sigh. Woe is me again.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon.


LZM said...

Poor you - nice to see that the Doctor seems confident in his diagnosis though! Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Bit of a difference between food poisoning and appendicitis! Let's hope it's not the latter! Hope you feel better soon Sister Louise.

As for measles, doesn't everyone get vaccinated against that as a child? Maybe Huw's friend's has run out?!

Sister Louise said...

Run out of what? Vaccinations? You don't keep them in the bathroom cabinet for a rainy day Bridge, the doctor does it. What are you on about?!!

Huw said...

Well, it's given as part of the MMR thingy, which not everyone has. Either way, he can't remember if he had it as he was only ickle in those days.

Anonymous said...

I tried to explain myself yesterday, but these techincal difficulties I am experiencing are proving to be quite annoying! I meant that the vaccinations might run out if you have them when you are little and then you are due for an update. Huw's friend might have been due for a new one! Poor thing, hope he's ok!