Friday, January 19, 2007

The Perfect Partnership

There's someone I know my age who as a blue eyed, blonde haired, beautiful baby, a great job and, I had heard, a fantastic marriage. I admit to being slightly envious of her. Last night she told me that more than anything, she wants to spend the rest of her life with someone in a faithful, wonderful partnership, with beautiful children. She's just not sure that she picked the right person to do it with. So what do you do when you already have a child and the dream of being someone's life partner suddenly seems just that - a dream? Because she could leave, but then her family is already fractured. It's a difficult balance to achieve isn't it? There are those of us who hold out for Mr Right but then the boat leaves without us... there are those that take the plunge early but worry it was too early. And then once in a while a couple gets it just right. We all want to be that couple but it would seem that only the rare few will make it.


Anonymous said...

Good Lord what a depressing thought!

Anonymous said...

I think the important thing is not to worry about whether you'll be together forever. If it feels right now, if you love each other now surely that's the only measure on how successful your relationship is. I think the best way is to throw yourself in, don't panic about what mistakes you may make, and if it all fails.... you're only a human being!