As I turn the handle quietly and pop my head round to mouth goodbye, a finger shoots to his lips to warn me against speaking. There was a time when this gesture would have bothered me, the presumption that I'm a) not sensitive enough to know when speech maybe inappropriate and b) his shameless prioritisation of the woman at the end of the phone line. But it doesn't rile me. I wave goodbye, shut the door and descend the familiar cream carpeted stairs with its worn-in grey smudges. I am relieved and a little sad. Relieved that I play no part in his complicated triangles with girls who are engaged or cohabiting with another. Sad because this type of liaison is rife... spreading through the streets of London as quickly as the great plague of 1665; leaving in its wake bubonic hearts piled on top of each other, feebly beating their blood into the gutters and drains - seeping into our ecosystem, spreading, spreading... Love, if you can call it that, has become another victim of our careless, throw-away society. People are quick to fall into it, quick to fall out of it and think nothing of running a few different variants of it together... why? Do we think that keeping our options open will allow us to find as near to perfection as we can? Or do we do it simply because we live in an era where we can? A time where having your cake and eating it is a rite of passage? I don't know. But I want no part of it anymore. I do not want to be a variant of love for someone; I want to be their love. And I'm quietly confident that somewhere on this planet, there is a soul that thinks like me. That wants a simple yet complex love, exclusive, hardy - that will weather the test of time. A deep love which each party knows is worth fighting for even when surface love is temporarily sleeping because of strife or over-familiarity. I still believe that somewhere there is a man that wants that too.
You simply must STOP walking up those grey stained stairs in the first place (all women must)! I know men are w*nkers, but it is us women and our actions that keep allowing them be w*nkers– we need to stop playing the “other-woman” and look out for our female sisters! I’m not meaning to judge you personally here, please don’t think that, it’s just a comment that things seem to be going crazy in the dating world when you hit late 20s! I think you’re right that it is yet another down-side to our materialistic, throw-away society – what can you do? I guess the plus side is that all these w*nker men will never settle down and pro-create, thereby increasing the likelihood their breed die out in the not-too distant future! You can only hope and pray :-)
P.S. Love your blogs!
I haven’t been on for a while and they’re so entertaining – I love the re-wiring one, very cleverly written
Thanks Nigella!
Actually, I'm not involved with said person...although we used to be when, as far as I am aware, he wasn't so busy! I am now merely a spectator to others' complicated liaisons. I am busy being on my own right now! Even it has only been a few weeks!
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