Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Project for Sister Zaria

I felt it was time to write again as poor Sister Louise seems to be keeping the site up single-handedly! Sadly, as I cast my mind around for something to write I found myself totally devoid of subjects. For the first time, for a long time, I am properly single. Normally when I have been single I have had someone to keep my interest up, so to speak, but this time I can genuinely not think of anyone I even fancy. So, short of going out with a couple of boys of my acquaintance who I could go out with but don’t really fancy, I am on my own.

Walking home tonight, in the first bit of sun we have had in ages, I got to thinking that I can’t go on thinking that the man I want to meet is just going to turn up at my door (especially as I am 3 floors up and the security to my flats is like Fort Knox)!
So, I have come up with the following plan in order to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. In order to help me both find a man and get some content for the blog I solemnly promise that I will try to do one activity a week to actively try and meet someone!

I have thought about ways in which I can meet a new man and have come up with only one idea so far. The idea does however have drawbacks. The idea is to join the squash league at my local gym. The drawbacks are three fold- 1) I have never played squash before, 2) I have absolutely no hand eye co-ordination, 3) If I do succeed in getting a racquet and enough skill to get a game with a man, I will be meeting him as a sweating heap!

So there we have it. Tomorrow I will go to my gym and enquire about joining the squash league. That will be week 1’s activity. I will, of course, report back next week about how I have done but in return I would like you guys to suggest the next thing! I am completely devoid of ideas apart from this one, so far, so all suggestions will be gratefully received.

Oh – just one little thing on the suggestions – please don’t suggest internet dating, I simply cannot get my head around that one just yet!


Sister Bridget said...

What a great idea Zaria. I love these sorts of projects will get thinking. If internet dating is out of the question, does that mean you're not up for speed dating either? What about one of those singles events, some of them look like good fun xx

LZM said...

Am up for all suggetions - speed dating wouln't be too bad i guess! Where do you find out about it?

Sister Louise said...

My flatmate has taken to hanging around outside the local Karate club...

Anonymous said...

So? How did it go?!