After nine days in Devon/Cornwall/Worcs/Lakes = Heaven, I am truly cheesed off this week. London is one of those places that you become conditioned to. This week my conditioning has become unconditioned and I have no patience. Usually I reply to my boss in a polite manner despite his curtness, this week I'm responding in his tone of voice, despite his obvious superiority. As I left the office ON TIME (6pm) for once, he called after me "Yes... bye Louise"... simultaneously making a point about my lack of pleasantries and also pointing out the fact that I've left before 9pm...for once.
And you know those people... sorry guys...it's always guys... those people that can see that the tube is full to bursting and yet just as the doors are about to close, they launch themselves into the carriage, getting stuck in the doors in the process? Well this evening, one of them smacked their elbow into my head as he launched his 6ft frame through the doors at the last minute and then stood pressed with his crotch into me for three whole stops as I tried to refrain from hyperventilating. I'm sorry I do NOT pay £4 a day for this madness. Why do we put up with it? Just because we're British?! I disown my Britishness, my Huguenot blood is running hot - Viva La Revolution! But I put up with the madness, because I love the theatres, the South Bank, Gordon's Bar at Embankment and the unusual opportunities that come my way. But one day in the not too distant future, I am so outta here!
For some of us, the tube is the closest we get to having 'relations' for months and months.
Ah well. I'd probably let you off Huw. It's probably the nearest I'm gonna get too in a while as I'm still maintaing my 'singleness!'...
I walk to work so you can only imagine how lonely i feel!
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