Saturday, March 03, 2007

Troubled Times

I can't breathe. The panic poisoning my lungs is causing me to take short, insufficent, tokes of oxygen. My head is troubled and restless, my dreams full of nightmares, a contorted parody of the events of the last few days. My head is trying to justify a reason for my punishment. The world feels cold and strange. I don't want to sleep alone and lonely in my bed. It's difficult to be positive about 2007, when at the beginning of the third month of the year, I have already had my house burgled, my car towed, the fine for the towing accidentally taken twice from my bank account and STILL not returned to me, followed by my car being clamped two weeks later on the same street - effectively meaning that a third of a month's wages is now in the pocket of the council all because I didn't understand the ridiculously confusing, numerous, different parking rules on one road outside my boyfriend's house. These pale into insignificance at the latest joyous events however. It's not something that I can talk about, suffice to say that the next few months are going to be stressful. It's not the end of the World, people have to deal with far greater and I'm fairly sure that in years to come I will see this time as a blip on the horizon. Right now life's a piece of s*it but I'll try and look on the bright side.


Huw said...

Anything that makes losing a 1/3 of your months wages pale into insignificance must be off the scale of poo-ness I usually reserve for Mondays.

Sister Louise said...

:-) Yes pretty high on the poo-ness factor. But have rallied over the weekend and am ready to face the music. Will be doing a post event run down in 'Petite' style on a date TBC!!