As ever the single girl, I believe one of the best ways to feel truly independent and free of the occasional no-boyfriend blues which hit us all from time to time, is to go for an invigorating run around one of London’s parks. Not only does this leave me feeling fit, healthy and energised, but it also helps toward obtaining a nice trim body - a definite help in finding a man, should I once again feel inclined to do so, after the post running glow has worn off!
Having spent countless evenings running with my girlfriends while discussing our recent relationship dilemmas and adventures, I was very excited last weekend when my current romantic interest suggests we go for a run together. Feeling rather smug at the prospect of running with a man rather than complaining about not having one, I heartily agree.
Before we set off, I kindly tell him not to feel bad if he can’t keep up. I have done this run many times and I understand that he’s not used to such long distances. I realise that this considerate prep talk was slightly unnecessary after having to stop 3 times before we make it halfway through whilst he is barely out of breath!
Once we reach the halfway point, I tell him this is where my friends and I stop; congratulate ourselves on how well we’ve done, make excuses for why we haven’t done as well as we could have, and decide to come running every night for the next 2 years! He nods and smiles, slightly bemused by my eccentric babbling, and suggests we do some sit-ups. I settle myself down comfortably on the grass, and have got through about 20 sit-ups when I discover that I’ve positioned myself uncomfortably close to a pile of dog poo! Horrified, I surreptitiously stand up and pretend that I’m ready to go back. He’s grinning sheepishly and when I ask him what’s wrong he finally admits ‘um – I don’t know how to tell you this but you’ve got dog shit on your back!!!’
I run back to the car faster than I’ve ever ran before! All my usual post-run feelings of empowerment have been completely eradicated by some stupid dog deciding to have a shit where I felt like lying down! Full of shame, I set off home having learnt one lesson: If you are going to do something to boost your confidence as an independent and strong woman – do not take a man!!
You should have stuck to your usual running partner then shouldn't you Sister Bridget? That'll learn ya for dissin' me! Welcome - and thanks for the humour. Love ya. xx
I'm sorry to hear of your traumatic running experience - in part that will teach you for trying to do something that is not natural, God gaves us wheels for a reason! But I do sympathise with the embarrasment factor, i thought these things only ever happened to me!!!
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