Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Dear Sisters,

It has been a looooooong time and in fact we really should update the blog details to read women in their mid to late 30s! So why am I here? Well, I have a story I wanted to share and I couldn't think of a better place to share it, especially as it begins with Sister Louise...

I visited Sister Louise in the country recently (I am still a Sister in the City) and we had a day out to a local craft centre with her two young children and we sat and ate ice creams in the sunshine next to the duck pond. Her little boy was fascinated by the small fluffy white duck feathers lying all around and started to collect them so he could make a collage of a duck when he got home. I offered to store them in my handbag and he happily went back and forth filling up my bag.

At the end of the day, I'm afraid we all forgot about them and I made my way back to the City with a heavy heart where my career seemed to have reached a dead end and I was contemplating giving up my passion in pursuit of financial security. The ceaseless rain had not been helping my mood. A couple of days later whilst feeling particularly miserable, I took out my diary, opened it, and out flew a tiny white feather which danced in front of my for a while before settling on the ground. After a moment's puzzlement the fog cleared and I was suddenly transported back to that sunny day spent with my beautiful friend and her children and my spirits lifted immediately. I couldn't bear to leave the feather so I popped it back in my bag.

Over the next few weeks it seemed that every time I needed a boost a white feather would appear just when I needed it to. Eventually, of course, the feathers disappeared but whenever I open my bag I remember how I felt when I saw them and I feel grateful and blessed to have such wonderful friends in my life.

Sister Louise has a lot going on in her life right now and I thought about sending her some feathers in the post but then I remembered how those feathers came in to my life in the first place - handpicked by her little blond-haired boy - so I think I'll leave the task to him. They say that white feathers are the calling cards of Angels, and that's definitely how I came by mine.

Sister Thelma